Tuesday, June 1, 2010

45: A Great Estate DONE!

Former Governor's Mansion, Bismarck, ND. June 2011. This was the place where all of the ND Governors lived from 1893 to 1960. It is a beautiful Victorian house that is now a self-guided tour museum. It is definitely huge and awesome, and was probably even more impressive at the time that it was built. Wall plaques inform you on all renovations, including changes to wallpaper (in every single room!) and retrofitted plumbing. The mansion is an interesting combination of boring and creepy.

You can rent the grounds for events. It costs $75 for a 6-hour block of time. Not in terribly high demand, apparently.

After we walked around a bit and decided that the house gave us all the creeps, we asked the employee there if he'd heard any weird ghost stories about it. He was all too happy to take us up to the maid's quarters where a governor had died of tuberculosis. He filled us in on his own experiences there, including unexplained electrical problems in the room. He had personally fixed the light fixture in there and come back to find it not working again---twice!! Cook got into Ghost Adventures mode and made a video...

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